All donations are eligible for deductions under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.

Help Satendra Get the Medical Treatment He Desperately Needs!

Satendra is a young boy who recently suffered severe burns in a home accident. Her face, legs, hands, and chest were all affected, and he is in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the expensive medical treatment he needs, and her father is a daily wage worker who cannot bear the cost alone.

Fundraising Goal

Our goal is to raise 100000 RS to cover Satendra’s medical expenses.

Fund Raised36%

How Funds Will Be Used

The funds raised will go directly towards Satendra’s medical treatment, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation.

Call to Action

Please consider donating to help Satendra and his family during this difficult time. No matter how small, any amount will make a difference in his life.


We will keep you updated on Satendra’s progress and how your support is making a difference in his life.
Thank you for your generosity and kindness in helping Alisha during this challenging time.

All donations are eligible for deductions under section 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.